Configuring workloads using JMeter – Defined Percentage Probability

Here is the usecase: I have 3 scenarios named A, B and C which are to be load tested with 6, 3 and 1 threads respectively.

These 3 scenarios have 7 use cases (T1 to T7)and  are to be executed using defined percentages as shown below:

Screen Shot 2017-03-15 at 8.03.31 AM

How do we configure it in JMeter? Had it been just the users with 3 scenarios we would have configured them in ThreadGroup. But how abt T1 to T7?

First create 3 threads groups with desired no. of users as shown below: Screen Shot 2017-03-15 at 8.14.44 AM

Then under the thread group add Throughput controller which is under logical controller. Configure the percentage and add the request to the throughput controller as show below:Screen Shot 2017-03-15 at 8.19.54 AM

Hope this helps.

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